Wednesday 31 August 2011


Certain things are happening in my household right now, even at this instant,and I hope for peace to come around and that we'll be a happy family again(: However,Im afraid it might not happen.. x)
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Tuesday 30 August 2011

~~~Manga Inspiration~~~

watashi wa mirimikimika desu~! Yoroshiku onegai shimasu~!
I read a manga about a certain girl who was always left in the darkness of the shade, and how people never really realized her existence nor noticed that they had left her out. She kept a blog because she hoped, that someone, for the first time in her life, would notice her. She created the blog and posted things, and even though no one left a comment, she continued to post and hope, when finally, she received a comment a year later! I'm not saying that I hope people will read my blog, but I just wanna share about things that make me happy and hope that others will see them and feel delighted as well(:

I used to have previous blogs but they always failed to survive for long, not even a year! and I felt inspired by this girl from a fictional manga(: So I hope I will be able to share many happy thing like food, cute items and such(:
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