Wednesday 24 April 2013


there. my new blog address.
changed to wordpress cause I think I like the settings better wahahaha and it's easier to handle multiple blogs ((cause I have multiple lives yeah))


Friday 19 April 2013

Finally! An Update!

Now that the stormy times have passed..

Woah! Finally! An update! On my blog!
So what exciting things have stirred up my life?

1. I started working

2. I'm going to continue working when school term starts :O

3. School has begun for a week already

4. I'm a cross streamer! What is that..?

My staff card! First part-time job with this kind of administrative things~

I've begun working part-time at The Soup Spoon @ ION Orchard because of my granduncle's introduction to the job~ He's a healthy granduncle of early 50s so yes he's still working wahahaha~

My first meal at work!
We get complimentary meals depending on the hours we work, but just a bowl of soup is enough for me.. It's so filling!!

My meal on the second day of work!
This time I got myself just a bowl of soup and bread.
It's more than satisfying already!

My side dish on the third day of work!
Forgot to snap a photo of my soup~ It was Tokyo Chicken Stew!
Tokyo chicken stew is the only clear soup on the everyday menu, so it's less filling then all the rest (:

Also! I have started to try eating "Breakfast like a King while Dining like a Pauper!"
The reason behind this is that it will supposedly kickstart your metabolism at the start of the day..? However, you do need to do your part in exercising to aid the process d'uh XDD

One of my King-like breakfasts!
The Mcdonald's Breakfast Deluxe Supreme Special!
A mash up of big breakfast, hotcakes, bacon slices, hashbrown and iced milo!
So so good~
One of my Pauper-like dinners!
Small portion of rice with fish and egg~
Just enough to fill the tummy and it's healthy as well!
Recently, I've also taken an interest in funny meme and SurprisePatrick photos~
Some cool weiners I saw at the mart :D

Good luck Patrick. </3

 I would say this is well photoshopped, it's hilarious.
and yes I'm using the Arial font for this Ariel photo HEEHEE :D
Anyways~ As I mentioned before, I'm a cross streamer, but what is that..?!
Well basically, I'm studying modules/subjects from both Year 1 and Year 2, even though I'm a Year 2 student.
Well d'uh 'cause I'm repeating modules from Year 1.
I already failed a module since semester 1 of Year 1 wow //sadface
Oh wells I passed it with a "D" grade the 2nd time HAHAHAHA :P
2 things I'm disappointed with about this semester[Sem1 Year 2] modules.
1. I got my 1st choice elective module but had to change it to something else 'cause it clashed time slots with a Year 1 module I'm currently studying.
2. I was supposed to study Aquaculture this semester, but it got pushed back by my Year 1 modules.
I wish I was smarter. Oh wells~
But anyways! My selected elective module isn't that bad.. Social Psychology is pretty cool~ And our lecturer is nice ((:
And I'll study Aquaculture either next sem or next year so it's alright~
Yeahh all my photos in this entry were taken off my Instagram so I'm sorry HEEHEE not really :D
My Insta is @issymiharu REMEMEBER IT OR FOLLOW IT BYE :D

Tuesday 12 March 2013


I got this from my friend's blog who said that she got it from her own friend so HAHAHA~
  1. Do you usually sleep with your closet door open or closed? Closed :D
  2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels? It's a habit to use my own.. 'cause I have this mindset that "they aren't free", imprinted in my mind.. :D
  3. Have you ever ‘done it’ in a hotel room? It? Now this is very vague ._. I have eaten, watched tv, slept in and showered in hotels ._. I LOVE WESTERN BUFFET BREAKFASTS! :D
  4. Where is your next vacation? I just wanna go somewhere with my JIG CYI friends.. Pleeease..
  5. Have you ever stolen a street sign before? HAHAHAHA LET ME LAUGH FIRST XDD Noooo!
  6. Who do you think reads these? Now this again, is very vague ._. Grrr rawr.
  7. Do you have a calendar in your room? Yeah! (:
  8. Where are you? Dining area :D
  9. What’s your plan for the day? It's 1:21am, gonna put together a video before hitting the sheets~
  10. Are you reading any books right now? You do not know me well enough :(
  11. Do you ever count your steps when you walk? omg nooo. I'm deprived D: //adds into to-do list
  12. Have you ever peed in the woods? IN THE WOODS? I don't think I've been into any woods.. OH OBS!!
  13. Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing? To entertain kids or myself >.<
  14. Do you chew your pens and pencils? EEE!
  15. What is your “Song of the Week”? E-Eh..? I have no clue.. Something to do with longing and regret I guess..
  16. Is it okay for guys to wear pink? Most definitely~!
  17. Do you still watch cartoons? Well.. Most people refer to anime as cartoons.. but it's much more than that ._.
  18. Whats your favorite love movie? KIMI NII TODOKE. Actually I dunno, maybe Mirror Mirror.. cause.. watching that movie was special.
  19. What do you drink with dinner? Anything chilled :D I feel ugh with hot drinks :(
  20. What do you dip Chicken Nuggets in? CURRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYY
  21. What is your favorite food/cuisine? JAP AND CHINESE AND INDIAN AND MALAY AND KOREAN AND.. forget it :/
  22. What movies could you watch over and over and still love? dUnNo..
  23. Last person you hugged/kissed? eeeeeeeeeeeew :P
  24. Were you ever a boy/girl scout? Nopes :(
  25. Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine? No!! D:
  26. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? ... I would dare say more often that most around me...
  27. Can you change the oil on a car? HAHAHA NO BETTER NOT TRY XDD
  28. Ever gotten a speeding ticket? A ticket to allow me to speed? Or a ticket that can move really fast? :D
  29. Run out of gas? Now this, again, is a little vague ._.
  31. Best thing to eat for breakfast? Lotsa things.. Depends on my "feel" at that moment ;D
  32. What is your usual bedtime? Now it's usually past 11pm.. I'm a bad girl D:
  33. Are you lazy? YESHHH
  34. When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? Never went trick or treating DX
  35. Do you have any magazine subscriptions? E-Letters yes :D
  36. Which are better, legos or lincoln logs? No idea who makes logs out of lincoln so lego :D
  37. Are you stubborn? Eh maybe? :O Actually I'm fine with anything as long as I'm certain of what you want me to do SO PLEAASE EXPLAIN EVERY SINGLE DETAIL TO ME DX
  38. Who is better…Leno or Letterman? MM ZAI LAH
  39. Ever watch soap operas? The channel 8, 9pm ones yeah used to heehee
  40. Afraid of heights? I.... dunno
  41. Sing in the car? A bit, but softly, to myself
  42. Dance in the shower? Sing > Dance
  43. Dance in the car? HAHAHAHAHAHA WTPONGS NO! XDD
  44. Ever used a gun? Wowhee pewpewpew! No I'll be arrested XD
  45. Do you think musicals are cheesy? HIGHHHH SCHOOL MUSICAL~
  46. Is Christmas stressful? No way~!
  47. Ever eat a pierogi? Sounds like a complicated food item :O
  48. Major annoyance right now? My lack of confidence and decisiveness.
  49. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? I never really thought about it, even when young..
  50. Do you believe in ghosts? They exist~ Just whether you wanna deal with them or not (:
  51. Ever have a deja-vu feeling? I still don't quite comprehend deja-vu..
  52. Do you take a vitamin daily? Nopes :(
  53. Wear slippers? To school and everywhere else.. like almost everyday XDD
  54. Wear a bath robe? Wooo in US~
  55. What do you wear to bed? FBTs and a shitry shirt shirt~
  56. Wal-Mart, Target or K-Mart? THIS IS SO US OMG NOW I WANNA GO THERE XD But I guess Target~
  57. Nike or Adidas? Ehhh betsu ni..
  58. Cheetos Or Fritos? Cheetahs.
  59. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Sunflower Seeds!
  60. Ever hear of, “gorp”? HAHAHA IT'S SOUNDS SO CUTE BUT FUNNY!!
  61. Ever taken karate? I'M LEARNING NOW OMG!! :DD
  62. Ever kissed someone of the same sex? DUHHH mommy~
  63. Can you curl your tongue? Yeah! Talent man! :P
  64. Ever won a spelling bee? NO I'M A LOSER DX
  65. Ever cried because you were so happy? I think I did.. Can't rmr when..
  66. Own any record albums? What's that? O.o
  67. Own a record player? I guess not..
  68. Regularly burn incense? HAHAHA NOPES XD
  69. Ever been in love? I just realized it after like, 3 years, and it's all too late~! XD
  70. Hot tea or cold tea: COLD PLEASE :(
  71. Tea or coffee? Urhh.. Usually tea but sometimes I crave coffee ._. but only ice blended sweeeet coffees~
  72. Favorite kind of cookie? FAMOUS AMOS.
  73. Can you swim well? Yeah probably~
  74. Can you hold your breath w/o manually holding your nose? If you can't, your uvula isn't working and you'll probably suffer or die from other problems too.
  75. Are you patient? Love is patient, Love is kind.. Am I love? :O
  76. Ever won a contest? I don't think so.. ;A;
  78. Which are better black or green olives? POPEYE'S GIRLFRIEND CAN CHANGE COLOURS?!
  79. Can you knit or crochet? Knit a little, but forgot HEEHEE
  80. Wash room or bathroom? I usually say toilet > bathroom > washroom :D
  81. Do you want to get married? I'm seriously considering not. Until my grandmother said she wishes to see us getting married. Then I have decided. It's either you, or no one else.
  82. Who was your High School crush? Is that secondary school? Well, someone from Barker who's different from all the rest and doesn't have anyone looking better than him either.
  83. Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way? Urhh. I'm a healthy 18 year old ._.
  84. Do you have kids? Pfft no XD
  85. Do you want kids? I don't wanna give birth.................... but I like kids ;A;
  86. What kind of mom are you? A easy going, anything is fine, kind of mom.. My kids will hate me ;A;
  87. Do you miss anyone right now? Yeah. A few. From different situations. I want to see you so much.
  88. Who do you want to see right now? :P 

Thursday 7 March 2013

What is "Family"?

It was never like this. Never.
Didn't have to turn out like this. But it did.

What is becoming of this household? I do not know.
But I do know one thing - how I feel about it.


This is becoming hard to handle. Difficult. Tiring. Suffocating.
Continuous backstabbing? Endless complains? It's not what a family should have. Especially not when it's your IMMEDIATE family members.

Come on.
Grow up.
If you're unhappy with one another, sit down, talk it out.
Worst comes to worse, SEPARATE!
It's fine by me. Honestly.
I would dare say, MUCH MORE bearable than the sarcasm and negative comments I've to put up with with a smile and get myself out of.

They say, the ones who suffer the most from a couple's separation are the children.
Well yes, for YOUNG kids mostly.
I'll be affected, but I won't suffer.
I won't be teased or cast out and all that immature kid stuff.

For me now, the comments and complains thrust with smiles and laughter(Which make them much sharper) are the most suffocating and suffering of them all.
Is that too much to ask for..?
Mom complaining about Dad's ego, complaining how this is not enough, always showing me the bad side of things, unconsciously putting me down on matters that I already feel I am playing my part in LIKE HELLO?! Added with exaggerations, put simply, ARE LIES, just to make us do something.

Ironically you're my mom, no?

Oh yes. I wonder if your insanity is genetically inflicted.
Maybe I inherited it from you.
No. A time long ago, I had never carried out the insane act of self-infliction. Maybe these genes just got switched on in the past year. ITS MANIFESTING HAHAHAHA.

and my sister. I'm sorry. I love you very much. And I'm glad you're not in self-denial of your ego. But admitting is not enough. you have to know when to stop.


My dad. I wish I could feel sympathy for him from all the negativitism(if there's the existence of such a word) he's receiving. but no. I can't. If you hadn't committed such great sin(I know all sins weigh the same but shut up) I could have stood up for you.

I'm stuck. I've got to remain neutral. Wtcrap? I don't want to put up with all these. I don't want to.

I never. I really never. Thought that one day. I would want to run away from home. I want to. But I'm afraid.


I'm afraid of EVERYTHING.
Even slapping myself continuous till these cheeks feel hot and swollen can't wake me up! WHY??

I want my happy childhood back.
When we knew nothing.
When we thought that mommy and daddy were such perfect loving parents who scolded us and smacked us but still loved us.
I want to be back to laughing and smiling like there wasn't a care in the world.


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Wednesday 30 January 2013

Profound Simplicity.

So I read through some of Iggy's blog entries and the first part of this particular entry was one that I managed to comprehend HAHAHA omg I'm not saying you write badly!!
Your English is a really different standard from mine, which is a good thing!!
It's also one of the many reasons why you're an awesome friend SO KEEP GOINGGG XDD

Okay back to the point!

I can't fully relate to her entry, simply because I'm not the oldest grandchild in my family.

However, I can understand the idea she is trying to bring across.
I have two elder cousins, and they're both very very talented in their own ways.

They are really "protecting me" as said in Iggy's entry, because I'm not exactly expected to do something outstanding since I have two others before me.

That being said, I'm not using them as shields, it's just a blessing I was given by the grace of God! That's why I really love my cousins. I may do stupid thoughtless things, behave as a lazy cousin, but they still love me for me.

Conclusion? They are protection and love to me. That's called family. ((:

I was only typing in relation to one part of Iggy's entry. DO GO READ IT YOU PEOPLE WITH POOR ENGLISH -ThrowsInsultsToAgitateYou-

Kay bye! :D

Sunday 27 January 2013

I Pulled This Out

"W-Why? Why now? Why.. Why me?!" Itsuki screamed in her heart, where no one else heard her but herself, "SOMEONE.. Please just.. Tell me why.. Please.."

// A few hours ago //

Itsuki: -Stretches while thinking..- *Finally! Done with today's revision! I'm actually studying more than a week before exams.. Definitely a miracle..* Fuyuki!! What's for dinner??

Fuyuki: Call mom and ask her yourself...

Itsuki: Tchh.. Fine.. -Dials number, gets rejected- Ohhhkayy..

Mom comes home later that evening, greeted us upon her return and headed straight to her room.
Dad arrives late at night as usual. It was already considered a treat to see him once every 2 days or so.
Everything seemed fine.
That was what Itsuki thought.

// Current time period //

*Bell rings*

Itsuki: lunch!! I'm hungry...

Chizu: Let's go! I'm hungry too...

Itsuki and her 5 closest classmates headed off to nomnom.

It was back to school, everything had to be normal, it had to be, it must be.

Nothing can be said, nothing can be done.

Occassionally, Itsuki would slip out her tiny notepad that Junko[Pronounced June-ko btw XD] had given to her as a present before, and wrote short phrases that her mind had concocted which bothered her.

School went on.

// Back to previous flashback //

After having a very "nourishing" dinner the night before, nothing seemed particularly unusual. 

Until mom exploded. Not literally. But she just gave way.


Absolutely shocked and frightened of whatever was happening, they rushed out with hesitant footsteps.

So~ I found this in my blogger post drafts XDD
Nice incomplete story eh? :D
But since the matter has loong blown past, I can't rmr it well enough to continue writing this. I think.

Mont Blanc~!



DISH: Dessert Mont blanc $7.50

PLACE: Cawaii Koohi Maid Cafe @ Funan Digital Life Mall

FOOD REVIEW: This dessert is good! Really loved and enjoyed the creamy, smooth walnut piped cream! Flaw was that all the desserts on the menu weren't available, even though it was already past 1pm when we went! Plus, they still handed us the dessert menu. Something also gave me the hint that these were leftover cakes from yesterday when she said "The only desserts we have LEFT are.....". Also, the strawberry on my friend's maccha chiffon cake was shrivelled ._.

SERVICE REVIEW: Disappointing for a maid cafe. The waitress serving us was being so slack and letting words that deemed unfit, spill out of her mouth in our presence.. They were unstable in serving dishes as well.. but she did try to be friendly when speaking to us directly. Overall, the vibes I get are "I'll only give you excellent service if you're a bishounen(pretty boy) or bishoujo(pretty girl)"..


CONCLUSION: Not much different from a normal over-priced restaurant, really. Average service[Lack of understanding on available food, improper conduct] from the maid and butler we had today. The food was good though! I would try going again another time, HOPEFULLY, receiving better service[Efficiency, understanding of food available, proper conduct and more smiles without looking at us like we're idiots.] from different waitresses/maids and waiters/butlers.

*My experience may be different from yours cause we might've been served by diff people*


Sunday 20 January 2013

Finals for Poly Year 1!!


This is fast :'D
The year passed too fast.. With not much effort put into my studies in semester 1 and not much more in semester 2~

But now I'm studying! :D
I have started studying "Wildlife Conservation and Biodiversity" and "Cell Biology" :D
Well~ Because I have a retest and a class test respectively for these modules heh heh ^^"

I have other modules like "Animal Welfare and Behaviour", "Biostatistics" and "Inorganic and Physical Chemistry"[which I'm taking for the 2nd time 'cause I failed it last semester hurhur XD]

So yeah I'm too tired to study anymore.. IT'S 9PM DD:
Kay slacking mode on *click!*


Monday 14 January 2013

Life Should End

At the end of the day, it all boils down to one. simple. thing.

I'm not independant.
I'm still an infant in an 18 year old body.
I'm giving everyone around me troubles and problems.
I'm not progressing in academics.
I'm just not there.

Life should end.

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Sunday 13 January 2013

Never Felt So..

So yeah I have never been so self-aware of myself being flat until I went for a little x-ray HEEHEE~
Okay some people might go "OHMYGOD why is this GIRL talking about such things on her blog?!"

Well, it's just to share my little experience so bear with me HAHAHAHA :DD

My mini card for a MRI scan this Tues~!
Doctor says it's just to complete the check up and he's not expecting anything serious :D
So yeah, I had to wear this gown without any upper clothes(AT ALL) for the x-ray.
And it had this slit down in the middle that shouldn't be a problem for big chested people 'cause they have support to lift the slit off their skin.
But for me, it was practically showing the skin above my sternum 'cause the word "cleavage" does not exist in my dictionary and I was like
"Oh God -left hand covers slit-"

Well, around there XDD
What's an MRI scan?
A scan that doesn't use radioactive substances but takes half an hour to an hour where I've to spend that time lying in a tunnel ._.
I'll start singing to myself by then..

Thursday 10 January 2013

What Now?

Okay wow this is like my second post for today XD
Just a few minutes after my previous post XD

Yeah I was browsing through Facebook when my friend's friend shared this photo, taken from 9Gag:

I guess it's related to my previous post..
The article above really touched my heart and reminded me of the many other things I can do, like volunteer work and part time jobs and housework.
But then again, how am I going to survive in this money-centred world, If I don't graduate with a proper degree and start working like I'm supposed to?

Is it during this time that I trust in God to provide for me?

So do I quit school and start doing what I want to do?
I don't know. I'm already dying in NP. It sucks.

Mou Yada.

I hate the fact that I'm wasting away my parents' money.

I hate the fact that I went against my own resolution to pay attention and buck up in lectures.

I hate the fact that I'm not feeling pressurized by exams like everyone else.

I hate the fact that I'm giving everyone false hopes about me becoming a vet.

I hate the fact that I have no motivation to study. No want. Feeling no need.

I hate the fact that I've reduced myself to this.

From an Ace in mathematics and sciences to a Failure.

I want to cry. Shout. Scream. Slap myself. Bite myself. Slit myself. Punch the walls. Jump out the window. Stay in bed all day. Shield myself with my blanket. Close my eyes and forget the world.

But they're all gonna waste the life I was given. Yet, what's the use when I'm already wasting it now..?

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Wednesday 9 January 2013


Take me deeper
Deeper than I've ever been before
I just want to love you more and more
How I long~
To be deeper in.. love

During the last fellowship Sunday of 2012 held at my place,
we sang that song above.
It is our prayer, asking God to draw us closer to Him.
To help us to love Him more than ever before.
To look to Him and know he's there.
To lean unto Him at all times.
To love Him so much that everything we think or do, we will consider Him first.

Well, at least that's how I interpret it.
A fellow cell group mate shared with us how we should rededicate ourselves and our lives to God.
He didn't ask if anyone was having troubles or straying away.
No questions if anyone was lacking in love for God due to Earthly distractions.
But he just shared with us - like as if God spoke through him, that we should refocus our lives and visions around God, not just put Him first, but have everything revolving around Him.

ReadReadRead - "Isolation" by Lonely Islander

Isabelle just had a read on Lonely Islander's poem - Isolation~
Well yeah it's a simple title, easy enough for anyone to know what the poem is about.

I enjoyed reading it because all the words in each stanza were so relatable (except the last one, for now) and I personally love reading works that pour out my heart's thoughts that I myself can't pen down. (':

Second Stanza:

I have build up walls around my tiny self
Barriers to prevent anyone get close to me
The walls prevent sunlight and the fresh air
From reaching my invisible figure
They prevent the tweets of the early morning birds
From reaching my ears
They prevent the beauty outside
From reaching my vacant eyes
And they prevent all the love in this world 
From reaching my lonely heart.

Forth Stanza:

Sometimes I wonder 
'If I die of an unknown cause and they cut me open
Will their eyes pop out to see the blackness inside of me
I laugh at myself
Because I am the only one responsible for this
When they cut me open, will they know that?
Fifth Stanza(Last):

But no, not anymore
Because today  I will change
I am standing with dynamites in my cold hands
To bring these walls down
To break free and walk in the sun again
To feel the soft grass beneath my feet
And hear the sounds of this beautiful world
To scream and shout and live my life again
I will be alive again
I will learn to feel again
I will be myself again.

Unable to relate to the last stanza, for now. I will someday, I'm sure.
With God's guidance and my efforts. ^^

Saturday 5 January 2013

God Speaking?

When I'm feeling so unwanted, so uneeded and so forgotten by the one I've always liked, then another is always reappearing and making me feel like I'm actually worth something, what should I do..?

Is this God actually shoving my love path into my face? But I'm not heeding it because I'm afraid of ruining friendships and entering something I've never experienced before?

This is frustrating and scary but I'm very grateful I have the chance to mull over a matter like this (:

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